This is the potato salad I grew up with. I'm not a mayo, or egg yolk fan...but this is one of the few things I will eat with those ingredients. The quantities are estimates, so adjust to your liking. I make it from memory every time. I tried my best to come up with measurements. It's great this time of year.
About 12 russet potatoes
About 12 eggs, hard boiled. I actually toss about half the yolks when I make it. If you like eggs, leave them in. :)
1/2 cup red onion, finely diced~ you could use whatever onion you like, I like the color of the red.
1/2 cup red pepper, diced
1/2 cup green pepper, diced
1 cup celery, finely diced~ I like to use the heart of the celery, definitely with the tops on. They add so much flavor.
1/4 cup Italian parsley, finely chopped
About 1 1/3 cups good quality mayonnaise
About 1/2 cup sweet pickle relish
1~2 tablespoons yellow prepared mustard
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
About 2 teaspoons caraway seeds~ I think this makes the salad.
Celery salt to taste
Boil the whole potatoes until tender, take them out of the water to cool. Hard boil the eggs and set aside to cool. When the potatoes and eggs have cooled, peel them and cut into bite size chunks. Add the red onion, red pepper, green pepper, celery, and parsley. Mix together carefully. For the rest of the ingredients, I would add a little at a time until it tastes right to you. Mixing carefully so the potatoes don't fall apart too much. Keep refrigerated.